Divided zone-outcry_of_abandoned_lives_in_fukushima

Divided zone-outcry_of_abandoned_lives_in_fukushima

The Japanese Government does not acknowledge the presence of the numerous animals left in the 20 km radius zone which became a ghost town over night after the worst nuclear accident in history: the Tokyo Electric Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster of March the 11th, 2011. The fact that the major media companies and others did not report the truth means that the deaths themselves are not aknowledged as having happened.
【Divided Zone-Outcry of abandoned lives in Fukushima】
Directed by Naotoshi Kitada

A 20km radius of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant was designated a compulsory evacuation area and members of the general public were banned from entering the area. Not even journalists were allowed in and cameras were off limits. Many animals were left in the area which had disappeared off the map. The mere numbers registered reached more than 4,000 cattle, 30,000 pigs, 630,000 chickens, and 20,000 pets including cats and dogs. The Japanese Government and large media companies together concealed the tragic fact that more than 90% of the animals died of starvation in a desperate situation with no food or water and those who survived were slaughtered by the authorities. This is a record of the people who have been and are fighting to save the animals in the zone irradiated by human action and robbed of any future or hope.

『Zone 存在しなかった命』は、2011年に発生した福島原子力発電所事故の直後、その周辺半径20キロ圏内が強制避難区域として指定され、無人化した町には多くの取り残されたペットや家畜がいました。犬や猫などのペットは約20,000匹、家畜では牛が約3,000頭、豚が30,000頭、鶏が630,000羽以上と推定されています。その多くは餓死したり、殺処分されたりしました。個々のレスキュー隊によって一部が保護されましたが、警戒区域の外に出ることができたのはわずかな数に過ぎませんでした。なぜなら、日本政府は圏内に取り残された動物の存在を認めていなかったからです。そのため、動物保護団体やボランティアの救出活動や餌やり作業は禁止され、彼らは見つかれば逮捕拘留の危険の中で動物救出活動を続けなければなりませんでした。この映画は、未曾有の原発事故の下で起きた、不条理な動物救出の物語を描いた衝撃的な記録映画です。
