NARA-wave ナラウェイブ Program A

NARA-wave ナラウェイブ Program A


Ayumu, a 23-year-old part-time detective. One day, his older sister visits him for the first time in 10 years. His sister wants him to look after her daughter, Hikari, from August 9th to the 14th. Ayumu has just met Hikari, and now has to look after her. Ayumu and his niece, Hikari. Their life has a strange kind of distance. At the same time, Ayumu works as a detective, investigating the background of a man.

監督 米澤洸奎 Director Koki Yonezawa

Japan|2020|25min|B&W|ENG Sub.|World Premiere



Following the death of a young girl’s beloved grandmother and pet, she is to relocate to the city with her parents despite their estrangement. While being told how to think, feel and behave by her parents, she reveals love in its rawest form.

監督 ツァイ・ジエ・シー Director Chuah Jie Xie
Taiwan, Malaysia|2019|28min|Color|JPN&ENG Sub.|Japanese Premiere

School: Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan|Writer: Jie Xie Chuah|Main Casts: Irene Liu, Maggie Fang, Eva Chou|Screenplay: Jie Xie Chuah|Producer(s): Wei-Chieh Chen |Cinematographer: Bo-Yu Tsai|Sound: Jeff Lee|EDITOR: Shang Ting Chung|Mix: Yi Chen Chiang|Music: Yi Chen Chiang Production Design: Yi-Hsuan Hsieh

「東京少女(TOKYO GIRL)」

もうすぐこの時代が終わるらしい。時代は終わるが、私は終わらない。時代は変わっても、多分、私は変わらない。今日は私の昨日をcommand C + command Vしたみたいな、そんな日だ。何かを残す必要もないけれど、話し続ける。東京女子のつぶやきが終わる頃、時代は変わっている。
It seems like this era will come to an end soon. The era ends, but I don’t. Even if the era changes, I won’t probably won’t. Today I pressed command-C on yesterday and then command-V, it was that kind of day. There’s nothing I need to leave, but I’ll keep talking. When the mumblings of Tokyo girls end, that’s when the era has changed.

監督 橋本根大 Director Hashimoto Nebiro
Japan|2019|8min|Color|ENG Sub.|Nara Premiere


「6時間(Six Hours)」

A young woman decided to spend six hours buried in the ground. This is her way of facing her fears and changing her life. She asks her sister to bury her. First, she refuses but then reluctantly agrees. And the freezing night falls deeper…

監督 ヤナ・チェルヌハ Director Yana Chernukha
Russia|2019|20min|Color|JPN&ENG Sub.|Japanese Premiere
